Published on August 5, 2004 By Pseudo student In Sports & Leisure
I recently corrected my sloth-like ways and became a runner. In fact, I ran the Boston Marathon this past April with a couple of my buds. On that day, I experienced my largest mood swing ever, from ridiculously pessimistic during the race, to euphoric upon completion. I definitely plan on running again next year.

However, I pose a question. I have trained these past four months: stair running, hill running, long runs, tempo running. And my overall fitness level has improved. However, when I decide to run at my most comfortable pace, it always turns out to be the same 10-min mile pace regardless of how much I have been training. I wonder if this is the case for everyone else. I have improved my one mile time by a minute and a half, yet the pace I consider comfortable has remained the same. Is this the case for other people, and if so, what pace did you settle into?

on Aug 06, 2004
One mile is so short that unless you are working heavy sprints into your day it is unlikely that your short term comfort level will change much...